Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mistaken Identity or Why Will This Week Not End?

So Thursday was the worst Thursday in the history of Thursdays. Nothing that awful happened, actually everything seemed to be pretty good. The order that was going to be a huge stress, was canceled/postponed by my boss. This was actually very nice. There was little to no stress with anything at work and over all everything was awesome, but for one thing. I KEEPED THINKING IT WAS FRIDAY. This happened, like, 12 times. Mainly I look forward to Fridays as, I have done almost the same thing Friday nights for the the past 5 years. I have been volunteering at a local ministry called "Love Lives Here" Bus Ministry. I have made some awesome friends through this and I look forward to seeing them for the whole week. Also even though I often feel like I don't really accomplish much with the ministry, I am doing the Lord's work. I don't say this to brag, even though I fell like it is, I just feel blessed to have been introduced to this ministry. One thing that makes the wait until this Friday worse, is that It will probably be one of the last times I see a dear friend of mine whose is getting married in a few weeks, and As with the majority of my other married friends, she will probably dissappear of the face of the earth after the wedding. Also Fridays signify the start of the weekend, which is a good thing.