Monday, September 30, 2013

I'm Back! or Start Again

OK, so(heh, I just said queso) it has been nearly 3 years since I blogged.  Sorry about that, not that many people even read this.  So I am starting my blog up again.  (pause or applause) So without further adieu, here is a little about me.

So, a bit has changed since I last wrote here.  I still work at the same place, I still drive the same car(for now), and I am still single.  But I am now working with my friends board game Design/publishing company, Lamp Light Games, Inc.  We are releasing our first game on kickstarter in 2 weeks.  I work in art direction, concept art, and game design.  It is challenging as i am fairly new to the word of modern games.  i grew up playing the classics like Monopoly, The Game of Life  and Clue, but the newer games are not what I am used to, even though I have gotten into a few like, Kill Dr. Lucky, Timeline, and Ticket To Ride.  But I am told that I bring fresh ideas to the table, so I guess that's a plus.
Secondly, I have been volunteering at a local street ministry, Love Lives Here Saskatoon, for around 9 years now, and since I last blogged, I have been asked to join the leadership team.  While I don't always feel qualified for it, I know that God has put me there for a reason, and I have been told by friends that they see leadership qualities in me, even though I don't.  God is using us to make a difference in the "hood" of Saskatoon.  it is good, but not without its hiccups.
Thirdly, I am looking into replacing Harriet, my companion of nearly 6 years.  Harriet is my 2004 Chevy Aveo.  While we have had good times and bad (I had to replace her engine after the thermostat housing exploded and she overheated on our trip to Edmonton in 2012) and I feel that I have gotten my investment out of her, and feel it is is time to pass her on to someone else to enjoy.  I will let you know how this goes in the future.
Fourthly, I have decided, that after 10 years of being out of High School, and working at the same place for 9 years, i need to get myself an education.  Ok, I have known that since I was in High School, but I have been horrible indecisive about it.  I still given myself an ultimatum to make a decision (I have narrowed it down to 2 choices currently, with a possible 3 to learn afterwards).  So I will also keep you up to date on that.
Ok, that is about all for now.  I hope to post again within the month of October.  Some stuff that I plan to write about in the coming months, are my Bucket List, the list of books that I read in 2013 (I tried to do this since 2011, but I didn't keep good enough records), and then like my blog is names, I will post whats inside my head.  Since I don't talk alot, I figure it is a good way to work through my thought.  Kinda theraputic i suppose.   See you all around.

PS for those of you who have noticed, from quite early on, I have done 2 titles for my blog entries.  The first is the proper title, and the second, which I got the idea to do from "Rocky and Bullwinkle" is a song title.  Sometimes the are/were popular songs but sometimes they are fairly obscure.  But I believe that I have a copy of all of them so far.  But what I am trying to get at, is that if you know the song, comment saying who the singer is.  I am not going to give you anything, I just want to see who is paying attention.