Thursday, October 1, 2009

New RED Music video

Ok so I am a big fan of these guys. Check their new video out.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mistaken Identity or Why Will This Week Not End?

So Thursday was the worst Thursday in the history of Thursdays. Nothing that awful happened, actually everything seemed to be pretty good. The order that was going to be a huge stress, was canceled/postponed by my boss. This was actually very nice. There was little to no stress with anything at work and over all everything was awesome, but for one thing. I KEEPED THINKING IT WAS FRIDAY. This happened, like, 12 times. Mainly I look forward to Fridays as, I have done almost the same thing Friday nights for the the past 5 years. I have been volunteering at a local ministry called "Love Lives Here" Bus Ministry. I have made some awesome friends through this and I look forward to seeing them for the whole week. Also even though I often feel like I don't really accomplish much with the ministry, I am doing the Lord's work. I don't say this to brag, even though I fell like it is, I just feel blessed to have been introduced to this ministry. One thing that makes the wait until this Friday worse, is that It will probably be one of the last times I see a dear friend of mine whose is getting married in a few weeks, and As with the majority of my other married friends, she will probably dissappear of the face of the earth after the wedding. Also Fridays signify the start of the weekend, which is a good thing.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The (Not So) Long Journey Home or Into The West,

Ok, Y'all, I'm back in Canada! I flew from Quito, Ecuador to Bogota, Columbia at about 7:15 on Tuesday, and then I actually made it out of Bogota that night on the Air Canada overnight flight to Toronto. This flight was listed as oversold on the airlines website, but I was able to get fit in! I wasn't even going to try, as I had booked a ticket the next morning to Orlando, Florida, but I had left something on the plane on the flight from Toronto, so I went to the counter to check the lost and found, and while I was waiting the lady at the counter asked if I would be on the flight as my name was on the list. I figured I would give it a try, and I made it on. (Side note: I did end up getting what I lost back. They were the movies I brought to watch on my psp, but the case they were in was missing.) So I got to Toronto early Wednesday morning nad then caught my flight to Saskatoon, and was back home by noon! I was pumped! The funny thing was that my friend Josh, who works for Air Canada, flew out early tuesday and I beat him home. Also he was expecting me to be home on Thursday so when I wasn't on any manifests, he paniced and got several of our friends thinking I was missing. the whole time I was at home. So thus ends my latest adventure. I have no clue when I will have my next one, but I'll let y'all know. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

so The Wedding is over and i leave for home in a few hours. So I i first fly to bogota, and then stay there over night. Then i fly to orlando nad stay over night. Then the next day I finaly fly to toronto and then Saskatoon. then worst part of it is that i am on my own.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ecuador so far

So as you know we got here on friday and kind of took it easy for the day. Then on Saturday we took off to Ambato (3 hour drive) to pick up our suits, and they are awesome. On Sunday we went to the EFC church and it was an awesome service. Afterwards we went downtown to old Quito and did some touring. It was busy as the next day was Ecuador's 200th Birthday. That night we had the Bachelor party, where we bowled, checked out a Salsa dancing concert, and the nmet up with the girls for dancing and games. The only downside was that Josh Forgot to bring the costume down for Dario. Well we'll use it on him yet. Then Monday we headed of to Banos! I love this place!!! So we started off going to a waterfall a half hour out. It was so majestic, we had lunch there and a few of us went up to right behind the water fall. The roar was so loud! So then we just bummed around Banos for the rest of the day and at night we went to kareoke nad daning. I learnt this is not my scene. So the next morning, we went to the hotsprings and relaxed. After that was breakfast and we headed back to Quito. Wendsday we took it easy, and then Thursday we went to Otavalo for the market. My new friend Liz shops like there is no tommorow! Then Friday we had the rehersal for the wedding (I'm a Groomsman). and today is the wedding. Going to be great! My plan is to leave on monday, but thingsmight be crazy for flights. so we'll se y'all later!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Round Trip to Toronto

So for those of you who didn't know, I am on my way to Ecuador for my good friend Dario's wedding. Well we left Saskatoon early Tuesday morning for Toronto, aznad then left for Bogota that afternoon. The plane was delayed for some weather and some connecting flights that were delayed we had to wait for. then we finaly left for Bogota! Well the flight went well up until we got over cuba when the pilot announced that we were having a issue with the hydraulics and that because of the high altitude of Columbia so we had to turn around and return to Toronto. We got back to the airport and after waiting for out luggage adn then trying to figure out what the plan was for the flight, we got a hotel room and slept. (it was around 3:00 am by this time.) Then we planned to leave on the make up flight the next day, but our hotel shuttle was late so we missed it . So we spent the rest of th eday cecking out TO. So now we plan on leaving this afternoon and then stay overnight in Bogota and then fly in to Quito in the morning(friday). Well, lets hope this works this time or else my whole vacation will be a bust.


Weird side note. The last bit of our flight back into Toronto, i had the old song, "I Will Survive" stuck in my head.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

About Me

So I guess that I should start by giving you a little background on myself. So, I am 24 years old, I live just north of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, I am a born again Christian, and I like to go to other countries, but I'm not a fan of the long travel times.
I have traveled to Ecuador a total of 4 times to date and I will be returning there in August to be in a good friends Wedding. I have also been to Austalia and New York City(one of my best friends work for Air Canada and likes to travel, so he invites me and I go when I can).
I don't think that I could live without music, and i have a fairly eclectic taste in it(I grew up with country, but I my taste has expanded to nearly everything aside from really heavy metal, a lot of hip hop, non-Christian rap, and opera).
I like to draw, but I seem to have very few good days with my art so I have many incompleted pictures. I have a lot of trouble translating my ideas onto the paper.
I have collected comic books seriously since 2001, but I got my start into comic books as a child, with Archies and Uncle Scrooge Adventures. i am mainly a DC fan, but I do read a few comics from other publishers.
I have been at the same job for 5 years, and have moved up throught the ranks to Shipper/Reciever, trying almost every position over the years. I work at Shercom Industries, the only fully integrated tire recycler in Saskatchewan. This means we collect the tires, we shred them, crumb them, and finaly make product from them to sell to you the consumers. I don't think that I will be here for my carrer, but it is a good starting point ofr me and once I decide what I really want to do, I can move on.
So now that you know a little bit about me, I can tell you the main plan for my blog. It is a place for me to just get things of my chest, to let people know about things I like {CD's, Books, etc...}, and just to have some random fun. I will try to make this as random as possible to keep my reader(s) on their toes. I'm not expecting to see huge amounts of readers, but if you like what I'm doing, let me know. So, welcome, and hope you enjoy the ride.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


So this is my blog. I will try to post randomly, both in time and theme of blogs. check it out.