Thursday, August 6, 2009

Round Trip to Toronto

So for those of you who didn't know, I am on my way to Ecuador for my good friend Dario's wedding. Well we left Saskatoon early Tuesday morning for Toronto, aznad then left for Bogota that afternoon. The plane was delayed for some weather and some connecting flights that were delayed we had to wait for. then we finaly left for Bogota! Well the flight went well up until we got over cuba when the pilot announced that we were having a issue with the hydraulics and that because of the high altitude of Columbia so we had to turn around and return to Toronto. We got back to the airport and after waiting for out luggage adn then trying to figure out what the plan was for the flight, we got a hotel room and slept. (it was around 3:00 am by this time.) Then we planned to leave on the make up flight the next day, but our hotel shuttle was late so we missed it . So we spent the rest of th eday cecking out TO. So now we plan on leaving this afternoon and then stay overnight in Bogota and then fly in to Quito in the morning(friday). Well, lets hope this works this time or else my whole vacation will be a bust.


Weird side note. The last bit of our flight back into Toronto, i had the old song, "I Will Survive" stuck in my head.


  1. Glad to hear that the overnight went well once you managed to bed down. got me interested already, with the hydraulic problems/issues. I'll be listening.

  2. Can't wait to see you, Steve!
    Hope you enjoy your time in BOG.
