Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Last Leg or Jungle Love

So first full day in Puyo, started with a walk to the lookout tower. After that took a walk along the river. It was just beautiful, I took about 150 pics along the way. Then in the afternoon, we headed out with a small group from the Kiaros Church (Darios home church in Puyo) to do some ministry in the jungle. So first there was a 40 min ride along paved roads in a van with no seatbelts (i wasn't even sitting on a proper seat) with no speedometer (the tire would squeel a bit as we went around corners) and then after that we drove a little over an hour down dirt roads until we came to the first of 3 communities. We split into groups and I ended up going to the last community of Chai. It was very warm and there was a very beautiful view of the jungle from the ridge at the edge of the community. There was a childrens feature for the kids before they went out to play and then there was a Lesson on communion for the adults that I stayed with despite my lack of spanish skills. Luckily with them talking slowly I was able to get the just of the lesson. Meanwhile outside with the kids, I guess they were asking about "the tall white guy". So Rachel, Dario and Juanita's renter tells them that I am from Canada. They don't know where Canada is so Rachel tells them that it is above the US and that it is always cold. Thanks so much for that Rachel. Anyways after we are all done in Chai we head back to Puyo and then head over to Dario's Mom's house for a visit. After that we headed to the psuedomennonite pizza place and then off to bed. the next day we headed off to Shell, where Dario's sister lives. the are adding onto their house nad doing a very good job. After we headed off to Banos. We went for supper at Casa Hood, where I had the closest I could to turkey dinner, which was delicious. Then we headed off the to the hot springs. That was a good evening. The next day it was back to Quito, where we had a games night with Some of Dario and Juanita's friends and the next day we just relaxed. I took Dario, Juanita and Rachel out for Crepes and Waffles, and now I get ready to go home.

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